Que: 1 Ans: 1
What exactly is a pro van kit?

We combine our extensive 3D CAD data with CNC machinery (Computer Numerical control) to take out all the guess work and mind numbing practice of haviing to draw up templates for your van to get accurate cut parts. We use our knoweldge to deliver they key components in kit form to reduce the amount of labor involved. You receive a kit that you assemble with detailed instructions and on-line videos that can reduce the time to build a van by days if not weeks.

Que: 2 Ans: 2
What do i get in a pro van kit? 

You will receive the key components to undertake a key aspect of your build: framing, flooring, ceilings, insulation, trim, and furniture. It will be your responsibilty to assemble the components based on the instructions included. Our framing kits, for example, comprise CNC macined vertical "studs" and custom hardware to mount studs to your van's structural steel and cut paneling and insulation to teh required dimensions. Typically, we do not ship th ebase plywood panels and rigid insulation foam boards with a kit.

Que: 3 Ans: 3
Why don't you sell all the components to finish a specific task?

The answer to that is solely base on shipping costs. It makes no sense to ship you plywood panels that you can easily purchase from your local home improvement center or lumber yard. The shipping costs alone would exceed to direct cost of those components by two to three times. You can cut plywood and insulation to the correct dimensions with simple low cost tools such as a knife, jigsaw, and circular saw.

Que: 4 Ans: 4
What's so special about your butcher block countertops anD table tops ?

We buy the basic butcher block material by the truckload reducing the material costs substantially. To reduce costs even further we make you commit to a minimum purchase of a 96" by 25" wooden block that meets most requirements for a van in terms of countertops width and length. We are not left with large amount of "scrap" material that we would have to charge you for. With one butcher block block you can get often get a countertop and a tabletop for somethiing like a lagun mounting system. Given the parameters of your specific design such as cutouts for sinks and faucets, we program our CNC machines to make the required through cuts and then mill out any unecessary material that typically reduces he weight of the fabricated butcher block by 200 to 300% without compromising structural integrity. It is a job you could do with a hand held router but it would take your hours if not days while or CNC machine can accomplish the same task in just minutes. We also leave it to you to determine the final finishing steps such as staining and clear coating. We use a light coolered alder wood that can be stained to mimic cherry, walnut, and oak.

Que: 5 Ans: 5
What is in a framing kit?

We supply machined vertical struts that match the profile of your vehicle and custom hardware to faciltate mounting the struts to a specific vehicle type. With the struts you can panel all but extended body Promasters, Sprinters, and Transit vans witj eight 4 x 8" plywood panels and 8 rigid foam panels if insulation is part of the build.  You should be able to frame and panl;e your van build in less than two days.

Que: 6 Ans: 6
What is in a Flooring kit?

We supply 4 machined 2" inch thick subfloor insulation and fllor suppport hardware. Cut to precise dimensions you can use the rigid insulation as cutting templates for your plywood subfloor and any floor covering. We engineered the floor so you can install it without any other support than provided. Due to the tight tolerances there is no need to either screw our glue your flooring to your van's floor.

Que: 7 Ans: 7
Do you build entire vans?

Yes. We take on several projects a year with the caveat that we use outr basics kits for flooring, ceilngs, and walls. From that point we can configure your van to a specific floor plan. We plan the entire van with a 3D CAD system that generates a detailed Bill of Material and order parts prior to build. Ideall,   From start to finish,  we like to spend less than 4 weeks on a build.     

Que: 8 Ans: 8
Can I add windows with your framing kits?

Yes. They often faciltate that process. You just need to add two vertical struts for each window you install. The struts acually then make it easy to add the horizontal framing lumber to complete the window install.

Que: 9 Ans: 9
Can I add roof fans with your ceiling kit?

Yes. you just need to add supports for the fan  farme. The best way to acheive this is two cut-to length and height supports between two roof struts. A pair of L brackets avaialable from any hardware store will permit you to  attach supports to the Provan ceiling struts.

Que: 10 Ans:10 

We have two seats of Autodesk Inventor Professional used by leading manufacturing companies in the world. Your van was designed with a similar sysetm. While sketchup is useful (and free) for van designers,  it has limited capabilies other than basic van layout and visulization. Our system cam import just any information in 3D format  leading to extremely precise CAD models. We have have 3D CAD files for all our hardware such as screws and common van coponents such as Lugun table systems, electronics, water tanks, and most importatanly the vans themselves. We've all watched vanlife videos where the builder is surprised when something doesn't fit. We don't make those mistakes.

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