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Between the bare metal of your van's chassis and your converted van you need a floor. Of all the parts of a custom van design it's actually the easiest to complete. All you need is an accurate template of the foor and:

  • Insulation: 3/4" Rigid Panels
  • Wood subfloor: Water resistant OSB
  • Subfloor support
  • Floor covering: Vinyl planking

  • The floor instalation can be dramatically simplified if you have an accurate template of the van's floor dimensions and a simple way to support the wood subfloor through the insulation. Provan Kits provides both with floor templates to cut both the wood flooring and 1" thick rigid panel insulation. Added to this is the floor supports to transfer any weight from wood floor to steel floor of van. The video below shows the floor installation process.

    Our floor design kits simplify a van floor installation by using basic engineering to replace unneeded components and installation steps. With an accurate template to cut the wood subfloor and insulation there is no need to fasten floor to van chassis. On average less than 30% of floor is exposed, with the remaining below cabinets and other features that fix floor in place.

    Almost all the componernts you need  you can obtain at a home building center.Insulation and support are provided by the rigid foam panels. Although one in thick panels are useabel, 3/4" are less exepensive and provid sufficient insulation values. Vinyl planks are available in hundreds of colors, grains and textures. The price varies widely based on quality and brand of material. 

    After much thought we determined the fatest and most accurate procedure to lay out the subfloor on a bench in our work shop and then arrange the vinyl planks. The have to be staggeered to get the best locking and appreance and then cut to shape.

    AWith the planks temporarly fixed to the subfllor we can run a hand router around the outside of the floor panles, cutting each vinyal plank to almost perefect dimension. This on;y takes minutes versus houtrs if you attempt to cut them to shape inside the van. 

    Once we cut the planks we dissasemble the flooring and then reassemble  itmuch like a jigsaw puzzle on the floor van. By using all of these steps we reduce the amount of time from what typically takes a DYI van builders days to just hours.

    Because we based all our manufacturing on accurate CAD files,  we can translate dimensions of any  van  floor into the required CNC cut floor panels in minutes.  we have most of the required for all Ford and Promaster whee lbase templates in our extensive 4,000 plus part CAD database.     


    Our video shows the process of a pro van kits floor install You just need to cut flooring (plywood 1/2" & 1 inch rigid foam panel) and istall our floor support .

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    Pro van kits are made possible by the use of sophisticated CNC machines driven by 3D CAD models. Our 4 x 8 foot CNC machines can precisely mill a plywood sheet with accuracy of .016 inches in just a few minutes. The machine moves one or more router bits (machine can automatically can change the router tool) permitting fabrication of mutiple parts from a single sheet of plywood. They operate on 3 axes: an X (length), Y (width), and Z (height). Trying to accomplish the same complex router head patterns by hand would take days.